Story and Music by: John Rickey

Gulping down three glasses of water, he shot out the door, only to boomerang back and plead, "Mom, I've got to go to the washroom!"
"Then go at school,"his mother replied. "You'll be there in just a minute."

But his bus got a flat and he walked in late, right in the middle of Mrs. Peedlepot's lesson on Africa.
"Can anybody tell me the name of a large cat living in Africa?" asked Mrs. Peedlepot. "Some people call this animal the King of the Jungle."
Alfred's hand shot up like a rocket. "Yes Alfred. Tell us, what is this large animal? What is this King of the Jungle?

Shaking his head, Alfred sat down, but sighed as he heard the recess bell.
The class ran out the door, leaving him behind. You know it's hard to run with your knees stuck together!

"No one in the halls!" thundered Mr. Knickerwacker, the principal. "Get out!"
However the recess bell rang and the students burst back into the school.

"What is three plus three?" questioned Mrs. Peedlepot.
Alfred flapped his hand in desperation.

All eyes fell on Alfred. There was silence. Alfred stood up. Twisted his legs and blurted: "May I go to the washroom?"

"I've heard of numbers like six and three and twenty, even a million and a billion but I've never heard of the number: "May I go to the washroom. Sit down!"
Shaking his head, Alfred sat down ever so carefully.

Eating lunch made things worse.

Alfred shook his head too and waddled, then ran, then raced to the washroom!
Meet the Illustrator
Try a dot to dot math question from this story.
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