Copyright 1999 Rhonda S. Vincent
Written and Illustrated By
Rhonda S. Vincent

Two little mice sat out near the road.
"What's over on that side?" they asked a fat toad.

"I really can't tell you," he replied with a sigh.
"But old Otis Opossum once gave it a try."

"Shall we make a mad dash, to see what's over there?"
One mouse asked the other, "Oh my, would we dare?"

"That wouldn't be wise," came a voice from behind.
"I tried that one day, when I had half a mind."

"I didn't look this way; nor did I look that;
I took a mad dash, like an old river rat."

"Then a monster came racing from somewhere out there,
And another chased after, from out of nowhere."

"Suddenly creatures zipped this way and that.
I swirled and I twirled, I was blind as a bat."

"The noises they made, I still hear in my dreams.
They screamed like an eagle, only louder it seems."

"The wind blew so fiercely as the monsters raced by.
I laid and played dead, but I wanted to cry."

"Then suddenly silence - no noise in the air.
I made a mad dash, from the road straight to here!"

Old Otis Opossum then patted the ground.
He shook his head twice, and then turned around.

"Just stay where you're at, boys," he said with a sigh.
Then he wiped off his brow, and he bid them good-bye.

The mice stared at Otis, then over at Toad.
They looked at each other, then out at the road.

"Shall we make a mad dash, to see what's over there?"
One mouse told the other, "I don't think I care!"

The End
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