A dragon forgot to shave and his beard caught fire
Muscle Mac doused that fire!
Muscle Mac doused that fire!
Mary-Joe's pet hippopotamus got stuck in the tub.
Muscle Mac popped that hippo!
Panting and out of breath, Mac had three phone calls at once: "I lost my shadow," cried Peter Pan.
"I fell off the beanstalk," groaned Jack.
"I lost my lamb," sobbed Mary.
"I can't take it anymore! Please, find another hero!" yawned Mac hanging up the phone. "I'm strong and brave but I'm just too tired! "
Mac doddled to his room in a sleepy daze and flopped on his bed. Within minutes all that you could hear was: "snorrr...whoo..snorrr..whoo"
Through the silence there broke an ominous, terrifying sound!
..."Meow..Meow.." .
Mac buried himself in his covers, hugging his teddy bear.
Then with one little eye, peeked through a hole in his cover thinking, "Maybe there's a burglar in the closet!"
With all the courage he could muster, he stepped carefully to the closet and got ready to do a flying Ninja kick...
. . . but nothing was there. Nothing was there at all!
Mac got himself together, took three deep breaths and went to bed.
Within minutes all that you could hear at Mac's house was: "snorrr..whoo.. snorrr..whoo.."
Again an ominous, terrifying sound pierced the darkness!.
"Meow..Meow.." and again it thundered, "Meow ..Meow.."
Mac buried himself in his covers, hugging his teddy bear. Then with one little eye, peeked through a hole in his cover thinking . . .
"Maybe there's a T-rex and a Three Horn having a fight in the basement."
Quickly putting on his army helmet and mustering up his best two point six one phaser blaster, Mac stepped carefully into the basement and pointed his phaser blaster.
...but nothing was there! Nothing was there at all!
Mac got himself together, took three deep breaths and went to bed. All you could hear at Mac's house was: "snorrr..whoo..snorrr..whoo.."
Again through the silence broke a terrifying, ominous sound..
It roared again..
and again "
Mac went screaming around the room, finally hiding in his closet. His trembling hands held the doors but the sound got louder and louder.
Meow..Meow.." Meow..Meow.." Meow..Meow.."
" Suddenly a paw reached under the door!
Mac completely gripped with fear, fainted, falling flat to the floor.
He was out cold!
It wasn't long before a warm purring awakened him.
He felt something softly brushing his side and carefully opened his eyes.
At first everything seemed blurred but gradually his eyes focused on something licking his face. Mac laughed and opened his arms for the biggest hug ever.
Muscle Mac popped that hippo!

Panting and out of breath, Mac had three phone calls at once: "I lost my shadow," cried Peter Pan.
"I fell off the beanstalk," groaned Jack.
"I lost my lamb," sobbed Mary.

"I can't take it anymore! Please, find another hero!" yawned Mac hanging up the phone. "I'm strong and brave but I'm just too tired! "
Mac doddled to his room in a sleepy daze and flopped on his bed. Within minutes all that you could hear was: "snorrr...whoo..snorrr..whoo"

..."Meow..Meow.." .
Mac buried himself in his covers, hugging his teddy bear.
Then with one little eye, peeked through a hole in his cover thinking, "Maybe there's a burglar in the closet!"

With all the courage he could muster, he stepped carefully to the closet and got ready to do a flying Ninja kick...
. . . but nothing was there. Nothing was there at all!

Mac got himself together, took three deep breaths and went to bed.
Within minutes all that you could hear at Mac's house was: "snorrr..whoo.. snorrr..whoo.."

Again an ominous, terrifying sound pierced the darkness!.
"Meow..Meow.." and again it thundered, "Meow ..Meow.."
Mac buried himself in his covers, hugging his teddy bear. Then with one little eye, peeked through a hole in his cover thinking . . .

"Maybe there's a T-rex and a Three Horn having a fight in the basement."

Quickly putting on his army helmet and mustering up his best two point six one phaser blaster, Mac stepped carefully into the basement and pointed his phaser blaster.

...but nothing was there! Nothing was there at all!
Mac got himself together, took three deep breaths and went to bed. All you could hear at Mac's house was: "snorrr..whoo..snorrr..whoo.."

It roared again..
and again "
Mac went screaming around the room, finally hiding in his closet. His trembling hands held the doors but the sound got louder and louder.
Meow..Meow.." Meow..Meow.." Meow..Meow.."

" Suddenly a paw reached under the door!

Mac completely gripped with fear, fainted, falling flat to the floor.
He was out cold!
It wasn't long before a warm purring awakened him.
He felt something softly brushing his side and carefully opened his eyes.
At first everything seemed blurred but gradually his eyes focused on something licking his face. Mac laughed and opened his arms for the biggest hug ever.

Warm and content, Mac fell asleep with a friend in his arms.
Within minutes all that could be heard at Mac's house was:
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