The Big Mouth

Story: John Rickey
Animations: Jeremy Finch
All Rights Reserved © John Rickey
Tamer had a big mouth. Everyone called him a Blabber Mouth. Although he was only six years old, his mouth moved up an down faster than a diving board on a hot summer day. It wouldn’t of been so bad if he’d occasionally asked a question to someone or even showed a hint of interest in someone else’s life. But Tamer always blurted out the first words that popped into his brain and it caused all sorts of trouble.
It seemed Tamer could never hold onto his words. Not even for a second. As soon as they popped into his head they'd shoot out his ears, bounce off his nose and boomerang out his mouth. Take at school. When it was printing time, Tamer worked hard, printing his alphabet just right. He wanted it to be perfect. He carefully held his pencil, making sure his letter "L" was standing straight. But when he looked up, there was Dalia wrapping her hand around the pencil. It was just the way teacher said not to do it! Well before Tamer could blink an eye"Ping, Pong, Poof!" . Words starting popping into his head. They shot out his ears running along his nose and boomeranged out his mouth: " Dalia isn't holding her pencil properly!"
Miss McGuillicutty, Tamer's teacher, surprised at a student yelling out, pushed her glasses up her nose, then snapped, "Tamer ! Don't tattle! Mind your own business!"Tamer shrunk down in his chair and lowered his head between his shoulders.The kids gave Tamer a steely glare. Especially Dalia! Nobody likes a tattle tale. Tamer buried his head further between his sinking shoulders. He walked home slowly that night. Each time he kicked a can, he asked:Why does no one play with me?" ... "clunk!""Why don't I have any friends?" ... "clunk!""Why does no one play with me?" ... "clunk!""Why don't I have any friends?"
By the time he arrived home his mouth had settled into a full blown frown. But he brightened up as he saw some chocolate cookies on the kitchen table. Entering the kitchen, he noticed his sister Dalia was naming her colours to mom. Although Dalia was only in Kindergarten, she was as proud as a peacock of knowing her colours. "Look mom , that colour is red! ... Look mom that colour is blue."
Then it started again. Words popped into Tamer's head."Ping! Pong! Poof!" In a blink of an eye, they shot out his ear, bounced off his nose and boomeranged out his mouth.I can even spell colour words! It's easy!RED.. R.. E.. D..BLUE.. B.. L.. U.. E.."Dalia gave Tamer a shove, then ran to her room. "Come back!" pleaded mom. But Tamer's bragging had spoiled Dalia's special time with mom.
Go to your room Tamer "scolded mom. That was mean. Showing off in front of your sister, robbing her of a special moment.
Then it happened again, "Ping, Pong, Poof!" Words started popping into Tamer's head. Before he had a chance to think, they shot out his ears, missed his nose completely and boomeranged out his mouth, "That's not fair!
His mother turned her head quickly and echoed again slowly with meaning. "Go to your room!" Tamer observed her eyes tightening together and knew to get going. The tense air lifted with a familiar "ding, dong " at the front door.
A jolly laugh and the clicking of an old cane, brought everyone barreling to the front door. Grandpa Henry's here!Come here for your grizzly bear hugs!" growled Grandpa Henry with open arms. Tamer and Dalia dived into his arms. " Tamer's in trouble! " yelled Dalia. "And no one likes him at school either. And why is that?" asked Grandpa Henry"Because he's a tattle tale" said Dalia smugly.
Grandpa signaled everyone to back away and followed Tamer. Tamer being much younger than Grandpa , arrived promptly to the bedroom and sat on his bed with covers over his head. It took Grandpa a bit longer to get there but in no time, that grizzly bear hug of his had Tamer talking and explaining his problem.Come with me!" said Grandpa taking Tamer's hand.It seems there's only one thing we can do!""What's that? asked Tamer"Go to the horse races." answered Grandpa."Go to the horse races!" echoed Tamer looking puzzled. "Yes," said Grandpa. "And then the ship yards.
"Oh Grandpa! Did you see the power! Did you see the muscles . . . the might! . . ."!"Did you see the small and the tiny?" interrupted Grandpa in a piercing tone. Tamer's eyebrows almost dropped to his nose."What do you mean, small and tiny? Those horses are huge! " argued Tamer ."Yes they are, agreed Grandpa. But they're controlled by a little piece of steel in their mouth called a bit.""No I can't believe it," argued Tamer shaking his head."Yes!" insisted Grandpa. Those powerful horses turn left and right all because of that little piece of steel in their mouth. Why a little tug left on the reins and that giant horse turns left. A little tug right and that horse turns right. The rider can do anything he wants. All because of a little bit of steel, called a bit.
Tamer had no idea what Grandpa was talking about but he really didn't care. He liked horses and liked ships even more, so he was glad to go. Although Grandpa was a slow walker, he was a fast driver and arrived quickly at the horse races.

Tamer sensed Grandpa was trying to teach him something but shook his head confused"Come on!" beckoned Grandpa, taking his hand."That was lesson one! Now off to lesson two, . . . the ship yards.

Tamer sensed Grandpa was trying to teach him something but shook his head confused."Come on!" beckoned Grandpa, taking his hand."That was lesson one! Now off to lesson two, . . . the ship yards.Fortunately the horse races were close to the lake and they arrived quickly. Grandpa took Tamer's hand and led him to a long pier. They walked and walked. Neither Grandpa nor Tamer could see any water because of the giant walls of steel on either side of the pier. Finally in desperation, Tamer jumped high into the air, hoping to see the top. He became frustrated and asked,"What are those tall walls on each side of the pier? I can't even see the water!" Before Grandpa could answer, one of the walls started moving. Tamer screamed and jumped into his arms. "Help Grandpa! The walls are moving! We're going to get hurt!"
"Calm down Tamer! " cautioned Grandpa! "It's a ship! It's a ship! It's a big ship!"By the time Grandpa said it a third time,Tamer finally got it. But wow, was it hugeThe ship's horn blasted and waves thundered back and forth rocking the dock. Grandpa grabbed Tamer and crouched low, holding onto the base of the dock.Standing beside the ship, Tamer gasped with big round eyes. "Yikes! I can't believe how big it is!" Tamer took a large gulp as the giant mass of steel pulled into the bay. In the distance as he viewed the entire ship he yelled, "it's longer than my school! It's wider than my road. It's like a moving football field!
"Grandpa!" yelled Tamer in awe. "That ship is huge! That ship is gigantic!""Yes," agreed Grandpa. "But it's controlled once again by . . . "He stopped and smiled, then slowly repeated, "It's huge but its controlled by something small. He perked up and bent down as he pointed Tamer's eyes to a little flap at the back of the ship. Do you know that grigantuous hull weighs thousands of tons but once again it turns left and right all because of a little flap at the back called a rudder. The captain, who's like a little ant compared to the ship, has a little steering wheel he turns with his finger. With just a tiny pull left that monstrosity of steel turns left and with a tiny pull right that monstrosity turns right. He smiled as he stood up.
"Ah hum," he coughed. Funny how a little thing can control something so big. Don't you think it's something like a horse?"Tamer felt Grandpa was still trying to tell him something.Come on!" yelled Grandpa, directing Tamer into the car. "Your mother doesn't like to be kept waiting for dinner."
As they went to get into the car, three fire trucks sped down the road. Billows of smoke poured into the sky over the distant neighbourhood. People started running to get a better look at the fire. Grandpa stopped a police officer, "What's happening officer? That looks like a big fire!""Everyone's fine," answered the officer. " The family got out in time. Can you imagine a small kid started that big fire playing with little matches?Grandpa thanked the officer and they got back into the car."Come on Tamer! We'd better get back for dinner!
Tamer wanted to see the fire but he knew Grandpa was right. They needed to get back for dinner.After driving for a short distance Grandpa broke the silence." I have three questions," said Grandpa. "Isn't it amazing how that big fire was caused by a little match?""Why yes," said Tamer looking a bit puzzled. Grandpa continued, "Isn't it amazing how that big ship was controlled by a little rudder.""Why yes," said Tamer again, this time feeling confident Grandpa was definitely trying to teach him something.""Isn't it amazing how those large horses were controlled by a tiny bit?" asked Grandpa.
"Yes," said Tamer feeling more confused than ever.They continued driving in silence. Nevertheless, words were bouncing around Tamer's head like ping pong balls. Unable to keep them in his head any longer, Tamer blurted, "Grandpa, what are you trying to tell me?"
Grandpa stopped the car and parked. He turned and looked at Tamer with a gentle smile."Isn't it amazing that your life, big and exciting as it is, is controlled by the words that come off your little tongue? Like the thundering horses, the huge ships, and the blazing fire, your life is controlled by something small too."

Grandpa, I can't help it! Words won't stay in my head! "They just pop in, bounce out my ear, then boomerang off my tongue." Grandpa Henry thought for a minute then took out a little box and asked,"Do you have quick hands?""Yes,"said Tamer scratching his head."Then flap your hands up and down as quick as you can," instructed Grandpa. Tamer felt sort of silly but flapped his hands up and down as fast as he could. Grandpa looked at his watch, timing Tamer. He hummed and hawed for awhile but finally nodded his head signaling Tamer to stop. "I think you can lick this problem." said Grandpa confidently."You've got pretty fast hands!""Why do I need fast hands?" asked Tamer
Grandpa handed Tamer the little box instructing, "Open the box and you'll seeTamer , opening the box was dumbfounded when he saw ear plugs inside.How?" asked Tamer, puzzled at seeing ear plugs.Whenever a word pops in your head, I want you to put these ear plugs into your ears as fast as you can." Grandpa saw by Tamer's squinting eyes that he was still confused. Grandpa went on to explain. "You see Tamer, these ear plugs will keep words in your head. They won't have a chance to pop out your ears and boomerang off your tongue. You'll have a chance to hold them in your head and ask, "should I say this?""But how will I know if I should say the words?" asked Tamer.

Good words are soft and round. They're warm and cuddly. They fill a room with a fragrant aroma and make people grow and feel stronger. They're true words that glow and light the darkest rooms."Does that mean I should keep tattling words in my head?" asked Tamer. Grandpa laughed and nodded his head."Then how will the tattling words ever leave my head?" asked Tamer. "They'll be stuck in my head forever. They'll never get out, especially if I wear ear plugs !""Say a little prayer for the person you tattled on!" replied Grandpa. "Have a real love for that person, instead of a desire to get them in trouble. With true love and a concern for that person, those critical and tattling words will melt away
As they arrived home, Tamer seemed changed. It had been a long time since he had sat peacefully at the table with his sister. As he sat down looking at the delicious turkey dinner, his eyes turned to his sister, where he noticed she was eating peas with a spoon. If there was one thing Tamer knew, it was how to eat properly. He glared with a low squint into Dalia's face. The words: "Dalia's not using a fork" popped into his head.
Like a cowboy doing a fast draw, he grabbed his ear plugs and blocked those words from shooting out his ear and onto his tongue.Everyone laughed. "Are you going swimming?" asked dad with a snicker. But Tamer couldn't hear and just looked back at his dad with a confused look.Grandpa Henry explained the situation. But mom and dad weren't quite sure they liked Grandpa's idea. They didn't want any son of theirs going around wearing ear plugs in public. Nevertheless, seeing Tamer and Dalia get along, they gave their nod of approval

Tamer folded his hands together. "Lord, help Dalia to have better manners at the table. May she eat her food with good manners, so she'll be healthy. May I be a good example."Suddenly the tattling words in his head melted away and disappeared completely.Tamer took the ear plugs out and continued eating. Mom and dad smiled as they realized Tamer was controlling his tattling and finally getting along with Dalia.That night was a new beginning for Tamer and Dalia. In time they actually became good friends. Even the kids at school started to like Tamer. He began to have friends everywhere

As Tamer got older, he developed such a habit of loving others and praying for their problems, bad words melted before they even had a chance to get started. Bad words didn't pop into his head anymore.Other than for swimming, he didn't need ear plugs. Tamer grew to be a man of few words. But when he spoke, people listened. People respected him and considered him wise. Tamer learned to be careful with the words that came out his mouth. He learned the hard way that little words can cause big troubles if they're not controlled.
The End
By: John Rickey
Play the Big Mouth Game
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