الجمعة، 22 مايو 2009

Read a story about hugs with your name


Story: John Rickey
Illustrations: Michaela Rickey
All Rights Reserved © John Rickey

There once was a little boy named tamer.
tamer loved to be hugged. Especially by his mom and dad.
But sometimes his mom and dad were just too busy.
tamer needed a hug badly today.
He felt very lonely.
tamer noticed that his stuffed animals got lots of hugs, so he wanted to be a stuffed animal.
That night tamer dreamed he was a stuffed animal

First tamer dreamed he was a dog with lots of warm cuddly hair.
But when tamer was a dog,
he got fleas!tamer had never had fleas before and lost all his hair.
This was awful!
So tamer dreamed another dream, still wanting a hug
He dreamed he was a cat that loved to purr and be hugged.
Until a dog appeared and ran after him, snapping his large sharp teeth.
tamer had never been chased by an angry dog.
This was scary!
So tamer quickly dreamed another dream, still wanting a hug
tamer finally dreamed he was a lamb that was soft and woolly. Surely this would be just right for a hug.
But a farmer came and cut off all of tamer's wool.
tamer had never been so cold.
It was freezing!
Feeling cold and lonely, tamer needed a hug more than ever
tamer felt a gentle tap on one shoulder.
Then he felt a tap on the other shoulder.
tamer began to wake up.
A big smile came across tamer's face. He felt very warm inside. Everything was all right

tamer was getting the best hugs from his mom and dad! First dad wanted a hug.
Then mom wanted a hug. Then dad wanted a hug! tamer went back and forth enjoying the hugs.
Finally tamer said, 'Please! I need my sleep. I'll give more hugs in the morning!'
Mom and dad said Good night and tamer went happily to sleep.
This time tamer had a big smile on his face and could hardly wait till the morning.

The End
Try a self marking interactive quiz on this Story.

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